What Is A Charter School? | National Alliance - National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (2024)

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Physical Locations # Physical Locations

Virtual Locations # Virtual Locations

Did you know?

The first public charter school opened in 1992, only one year after the enactment of the 1991 Omnibus K-12 Education Finance Bill.

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We found 21 results within 5 miles of
{Location to populate from the search field}.

# Physical Locations# Virtual Locations

Searching....What Is A Charter School? | National Alliance - National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (1)

'); if (result.data[i]["virtual_flag"] == 'No') { phy_school.push('

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' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } else { const str = result.data[i]["grade_range"]; const first2 = str.slice(0, 2); const last2 = str.slice(-2); if((primary==true)&&(higher==true)&&(middle==true)){school_data.push(result.data[i]);vir_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

');}} else if((higher==true)&&(primary==true)&&(middle==false)){if((!isNaN(last2) && (last2 <=5 || last2 >=9)) || last2 =="KG" || last2=="PK" || str=="UNKNOWN"){school_data.push(result.data[i]);vir_school.push('

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' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

');}} else {school_data = [];vir_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

');} } jQuery('.toggle_btn_box .phy strong').text(phy_school.length); jQuery('.toggle_btn_box .vir strong').text(vir_school.length); jQuery('.top_box').show(); jQuery('.school_count').show().text(vir_school.length + ' Virtual Schools'); } jQuery('.main_box').append('

'); for (var j = 0; j < vir_school.length; j++) { jQuery('.content_box').append(vir_school[j]);jQuery('.msg_box').addClass('data-added').append('

' + school_data[j]["post_title"] + 'View

' + school_data[j]["address"] + '

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' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); if (result.data[i]["virtual_flag"] == 'No') { const str = result.data[i]["grade_range"]; const first2 = str.slice(0, 2); const last2 = str.slice(-2); if((primary==true)&&(higher==true)&&(middle==true)){ school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } else if((primary==true)&&(middle==true)&&(higher==false)){ if((!isNaN(last2) && last2 <=8) || last2 =="KG" || last2=="PK" || str=="UNKNOWN"){ school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else if((higher==true)&&(primary==true)&&(middle==false)){ if((!isNaN(last2) && (last2 <=5 || last2 >=9)) || last2 =="KG" || last2=="PK" || str=="UNKNOWN"){ school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else if((higher==false)&&(middle==false)&&(primary==true)){ if((!isNaN(last2) && last2 <=5) || last2 =="KG" || last2=="PK" || str=="UNKNOWN"){ school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else if((primary==false)&&(higher==true)&&(middle==true)){ if((!isNaN(last2) && last2 >=6 )|| str=="UNKNOWN"){ school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else if((primary==false)&&(higher==false)&&(middle==true)){ if((!isNaN(last2) && last2 <=8 && last2 >=6) || str=="UNKNOWN") { school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else if((primary==false)&&(middle==false)&&(higher==true)){ if((!isNaN(last2) && last2 >=9 ) || str=="UNKNOWN"){ school_data.push(result.data[i]); phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else { school_data = []; phy_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } } else { vir_school.push('

' + '

' + result.data[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' + result.data[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' + result.data[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

'); } }jQuery('.toggle_btn_box .phy strong').text(phy_school.length);jQuery('.toggle_btn_box .vir strong').text(vir_school.length);jQuery('.top_box').show();jQuery('.school_count').show().text(phy_school.length + ' Physical Schools'); for (var j = 0; j < school_data.length; j++) {var position = new google.maps.LatLng(school_data[j].latitude, school_data[j].longitude);bounds.extend(position);marker = new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement({ position: position,map: map,title: school_data[j]["post_title"]});google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, j) {return function() {infoWindow.setContent(phy_school[j]);infoWindow.open(map, marker); } })(marker, j));map.fitBounds(bounds); // Set zoom level var boundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener((map), 'bounds_changed', function(event) {google.maps.event.removeListener(boundsListener);});jQuery('.msg_box').addClass('data-added').append('

' + school_data[j]["post_title"] + '' + school_data[j]["distance"] + ' miles

' + school_data[j]["address"] + '

');} } } else { alert("0 School in the area. Please modify your search..."); jQuery('.msg_box').removeClass('data-added').html('

Did you know?

The first public charter school opened in 1992, only one year after the enactment of the 1991 Omnibus K-12 Education Finance Bill.

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What Is A Charter School? | National Alliance - National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 5891

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.